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Ritu Ashrafi, Twentysomethings Girl Coach

How I got my first 3 customers and the steps for you to do the same.

Ritu Ashrafi

Twentysomethings Girl Coach

Starting out as a coach, when that seems to be every other person's calling as well was hard. I know at least a dozen coaches, within 5 years of my age who are life coaches and struggling to get clients.

Like many coaches now, I got into this business of being a coach for twentysomething women because when I was in my mid-twenties and going through a horrible quarter life crisis, I looked for but didn't find help. I saw a serious gap and I knew I needed to fill it myself.

My first three clients all came from 3 different places so I want to give you three different strategies.

1. Hit up your network: When I launched my coaching business,, I made a massive fuss about it. I threw a party, posted the photos all over Facebook and sent everyone I know an email. As a result, someone from my network emailed me back saying, "Hey, what's this life coaching thing about? Can you give a session?" and I said "Of course!" to my very first client.

2. Ask people to refer you to someone who they want to help: In my initial outreach as well as follow up emails/Facebook posts/Tweets, I said "Know any twentysomething ladies who would like a chat with me? Please put us in touch!" An acquaintance instantly thought of my ideal client in her network and put us in touch. Hello client number two!

3. Niche it out: How many people do you know who are a life coach for twentysomething women? Well, now you know me. With such a specific niche, I've become like a question on Jeopardy. When someone says "life coach for twentysomething women", the question that would come before is "Who is Ritu Ashrafi?"

The Tip

To whet your beak

Hit up your network to get your first client. Ask friends to refer you for your second client. Be so niche that you are the only answer to a particular problem.

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