I tried a few other "ideas" which I was really not familiar with and suddenly I got that "momentum". I started, or better I just continue (I was already teaching but had only 2 students) doing what I always did and was very familiar with - teaching Spanish and Portuguese.
I advertised in every possible "free" option on the web with a very competitive price and also negotiate the price until I get the costumer. I advertise every single day or week, really keeping up with it. In just a couple of weeks the number of students went from 2 to 24! Right now I have 5 more students to confirm which I just couldn't confirm right away because I do not have the time that they are asking for.
My tip --- Do not invent, do what you know how to, advertise as much as possible (but make a follow up), do a "great job" not just a good job and they will refer you to others.
Buena suerte! :)
Do what you know and do it great as it was for you (step into your costumer side) and do whatever to get the first costumers ;)
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